martedì 3 giugno 2008

Per quelli non amano l'inglese

Finalmente posso scrivere un post in italiano,tanto per soddisfare coloro che l'nglese non lo masticano o lo masticano male.A luglio torno a casa,rivedrò mia madre,gli amici e tutte quelle belle cose che ci sono in Italia,anhe se in realtà non ho voglia di rimanerci piu di un mese.Ho bisogno di stare un po' ai box e poi ripartire alla grande.L'erasmus è un'esperienza unica.Apprendere un insegnamento in una lingua diversa dalla tua,altrettanto.Vivere in un dormitorio con gente che arriva da 50 nazionalità diverse è un qualcosa di magico,curioso,inaspettato.Non so se continuerò a scrivere qui sopra perchè raccontare le vicende di Tallinn una volta essere andato via mi sarà un po' dura ma se ci sarà un evento super,sarò il primo a pubblicarlo.Ciao a tutti e buone vacanze

Ciao ciao Estonia...

Four months have already gone as if I didn't realize about that.Many things have happened in this adventure but it was important to highlight the most important or the most shocking, according to the own point of view.Now Tallinn for a while is no longer International because all those with whom I started this experience they are going back home.Somebody happy, someone disappointed, another one crying because he knows that he will never live this experience againso.It will be less international but in a few weeks hear hordes of Italian, British, Scandinavians people pass through these streets of Tallinn to spend a few days of vacation, in search of the typical finnish girl of Estonia or looking for something else.but we would need to set up another time blog.Perhaps I would have more time, I'd post many more articles in summer because I would not have 10 university courses to attend as I had in this semester that would take me committed, but I let those who will spend summer in this small great country doing it... I learned many things, some of these served or not is another issue.I will return at home with a smile, because I will hold this experience in my heart, unforgettable because I can't forget it.A personal thank to BFM that made me feel like at home with his way of thinking, with the open-mindedness of all those working inside it, from secretaries to teachers, form technicians to students.A particular greeting goes to the person who is reading this right now:Scott Abel.Thanks a lot guys, a hug Peter

Remake of "Three's a crowd"

30 May 2008: one of the best days of my academic and social life.The first time that the school really made me understand how the interpersonal relationships between students and professors are more important to get a good mark or to take notes constantly. And I can say that was my last lesson of my school life.better late than never ... We were in the old BFM studios to film this funny sitcom fun with good actors with a excellent crew.Mhh ... honestly almost excellent.We are not yet ready for Hollywood.Watching the production manager working more as a secretary and executive producer as a woman going shoppingwas something amazing.Eh what about me? I have worked in pre-production process, I was the casting director but the director didn't choose any of my actors that I brought (what a casting director,well what a director!) I was forced to be as a sound assistant .Well, it's not for a me.I am a creative, who thinks a lot , in short an artist. But it's better to talk about that on my myspace if you want to: / peterstars.I thank all those who participated actively and even those who did not participate at all and passively because however they have contributed to fill the set...