mercoledì 12 marzo 2008

welcome to Tallinn

It's almost one month and half since I came here in this cold city and i would to tell you a lot of things but I will trie to resume as much as possible.Remember guys,the first month is not easy.Maybe you won't find the classes,the lectures and many things are written in the mother-tounge,so don't expect to see everything in English.Oh come on we are in Estonia not in Britain!Probably you will face some russian words.Yeah,but let's talk about russian minority another time...There are tow kinds of international students:the first one is on holiday everyday,doesn't go to lectures(even doesn't know where is the university) and gets drunk everynight.the second one is more diligent,accurate but not so much...I think to be in the middle but obviously who's Erasmus baby...This was just an introduction about what we are going to talk in this unique blogMany of you are likely wondering how life is in Estonia and others think:what are you f***doing in an unknown country like this.That's why I'm here,to make it known